Other Class Room Feedback
To help evaluate our thriller piece, we swapped classrooms and watched the other groups (Q2) thriller sequences and gave them feedback vise versa. However some of the groups did not give helpful critcial feedback such as ' shoelace untided - so could trip' which was NOT helpful, but some were.
For the main titles such as : Sound, Editing, Mise en Scene and Cinematography we also wrote questions for the other group to answers to help us write a varied evaluation.
For example, the topic Sound we asked, Is it appropraite for the style/genre of the sequence? We got some constructive feedback such as - yes, it fits well the action, the soundtrack gives a eary feeling. Although one group thought the beginning bit was too friendly but picks up at the end. But that was the whole idea for the begenning!
The Mise En Scene topic we asked the following questions.
Does it look authentic, and which bits achieve this? And a group thought the hand held camera was a good idea. Lastly the other question was How do you think the Mise En Scene creates a sense of genre? And we did not get any useful thoughts at all, which was very unhelpful :
Editing, we asked these following questions.
How has the editing been used to create meaning? and groups agreed on the name of the sequence 'Captured' the title fonts and size, however on the second question What do you think of the transaction types? They thought the font size was too small, even though our teacher advised us on that particular size.
Cinematography, again we asked these questions.
How do you think the cinematography affects the viewer? The camera being shown in some shots spoils the tone. And we think this answer does not make any sense, as the purpose was to watch someone recording a murder.
and the last question did not get answered on Which piece of cinematography did you think was particularlly effective?
Overall effectives?
Makes you ask questions such as where are they running from or too?
and one group did not like the fisheye but we do as we think it gives the look of someone watching them.
Overall we think that the feedback was notvery helpful.
Labels: Q2 Class room feed back
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